It is a known fact that 90% of the American population does not consume the required amount of fruits and vegetables. Basing on these facts nutritionists around the globe have come up with healthy ideas to help many people adapt to healthier lifestyles.

One of the recommended ways is juicing which has brought very important health benefits as well as reduces those tiring hospital visits. Juicing for weight loss is now a huge area of healthy lifestyle management, and that’s why we have a website dedicated to it.

Although many people have embraced juicing most know very little about this important aspect of their lifestyle. These 20 facts will help you understand juicing better.
1. When it comes to the provision of calcium natural juice can provide the same amount just like in animal milk. Good sources include collard greens like kale, spinach, broccoli, okra, and almonds. The only difference with animal milk is that it contains a lot of proteins however some juices will contain more calories.
2. Apple fruit seeds contain cyanide which is a poisonous substance. Therefore they should always be removed prior to any juicing process.
3. There are only two types of juicers in the market currently; the centrifugal juice extractors and the masticating juicer which is sometimes called the cold press juicer. Centrifugal juicer involves heat in the process of juicing and it’s less expensive compared to cold press juicer which is quite expensive.
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4. All green juices contain chlorophyll a very important compound that our bodies use to detoxify and improve oxygen-carrying capacity by our red blood cells. It also helps balance our bodies PH preventing conditions like kidney stones which could arise as a result of low-grade acidosis.
5. Fruits such as avocados and bananas do not produce juice during the juicing process but a product called puree. Hence the best way to have them is by blending them.
6. Juices contain very little fiber considering all the juice is extracted and the fiber left behind in the form of pulp. You can, however, utilize this by adding some of the fiber in the juice or using it in your other cooking needs like in broth and muffins depending on how you like it.
7. Juiced coconuts are a good source of electrolytes for the body especially when you suffer from conditions like diarrhea brought about by influenza, cholera and even dysentery. It was among the pioneer medical discoveries.
8. Juicing is discouraged by many physicians as a way of extreme weight loss measure. This is due to the fact that juices contain very little protein. Lack of proteins during weight loss can lead to muscle mass loss. It can also lead to a temporary slowing of the body metabolism which predisposes the body to fat cells build up.
9. Before you start any juicing program always have permission from your physician. This is important as some juices contain substances that may result in food and drug interaction within your body. Good examples include kale and spinach juices which are high in vitamin K which can interact with blood-clotting drugs.
10. Among other health benefits, juices can be better aphrodisiacs than chocolates and oysters. Juiced celery, avocado, and watermelon are some of the best aphrodisiacs as they help boost your sex d drive.
Celery contains, pheromone, avocado contains vitamin B and watermelon contains substances that help in the relaxation of your blood vessels. a combination of the above helps improve libido in men.
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11. The best way to benefit from raw juices as recommended by dietitians is to have them immediately after preparation and mostly on an empty stomach. This helps the absorption of nutrients to the body faster and efficiently.
12. Homemade juices should not be stored more than 24hours even with the use of modern technology of preservation considering enzyme degradation starts occurring to the juice immediately. Therefore to save money or prevent wastage always consider processing enough juice to avoid wastage.
13. All fruits and vegetables that contain a soft texture will have thicker juices like peaches, apricots, and strawberries. To have better results always consider mixing with other fruits known to have light juice which is easy for consumption.
14. Juice from broccoli has the ability to boost an individual’s immune system. This is because broccoli contains more vitamin C than other known sources. This vitamin is however destroyed when food is boiled or overcooked which makes the juicing process the best and easiest way to benefit.
15. Papaya juice is a good digestive system aid. This is because the juice contains an enzyme called pa-pain which helps in protein digestion. For better results, you can consider adding ginger as this helps relax the intestinal tract and cabbage which helps clears wastes from both the upper and the lower gastrointestinal tract.
16. If you are diabetic it is recommended that you consume more vegetable juices than fruit juices. This so considering during the process of juice making fiber is reduced which increases the ability of the body to absorb more fructose from fruit juices .
this can lead to an increase in bold sugar levels. The best choice is to settle for vegetable juices. However, if this is impossible the recommended quantity of fruit juice is one glass per day.
17. Juicing is healthy however it can be unhealthy if hygiene is not maintained as fresh products are not always pasteurized. therefor to ensure you protect yourself from infections like E.coli, dysentery, cholera and some types of hepatitis always wash your fruits and vegetables before juice preparation. Do not also store the juice for long as it encourages bacterial build-up which can be harmful.
18. Skins from fruits like lemon and lime should always be left on when juicing as they also contain nutrients important to our bodies. However, for fresh fruits like kiwi and papaya among others, the skins should be removed.
19. 90% of nutrients like antioxidants are found fruits and vegetable juice; this is according to research conducted by the American Department of Agriculture. Which simply means the juice is important to our bodies when compared to fiber which can still be obtained from other sources and is not required in large quantity.
20. Little medical and scientific research has been conducted by scientists to fully establish or understand the benefits of juicing. However, it is a known fact that fruits and vegetables are important to our health. The only thing that is different is how you choose to enjoy them.
Juicing is always an important lifestyle especially for those who embrace it. The benefits are obvious that is why more and more people are embracing this healthy lifestyle. Happy juicing to all as we celebrate this year’s festive season. you may like 42 Interesting Facts About Raw-Food Juicing.
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